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The Myths and Magic of Social Media
Social media for business is huge! But with every trend comes myth and misunderstanding.  Here are our top six comments about social media, based upon clients’ feedback…

1.    Everyone uses social media

Do they? Many, many people do - but not everyone… especially when they’re in ‘work mode’. Current UK usage figures are:

•    LinkedIn – generates 64% website referrals , with 10+ million users 
•    Twitter – 34% businesses generate leads from the 15+ million users
•    Facebook – 31+ million users, with 40% preferring to read rather than post content
•    Pinterest – 2+ million users and growing fast with 80% pins shared
•    Instagram – 150+ million globally (UK unavailable)
•    Google + - UK usage figures are unavailable (Google’s figures include Gmail  and YouTube accounts) 

Tip: research your target customers... which channels do they use? 

2.    You need to be seen using all the options

No! Save your sanity! 

Tip: focus your energy on the platforms that your target – and existing - customers are using.

3.    You can measure return

Yes!  Make sure that the time you put into social media is reaping rewards. Set yourself reasonable yet challenging targets regarding connections, engagement and website visits.

Review which type of content is most successful and how your new website visitors behave. Getting them to your site isn’t quite enough… ensure that you meet the expectations set by your social media content. If your bounce rate (fast exits) increases with your visits, something isn't working.

Tip: use Google Analytics to see how may referrals your social media activity is generating

4.    It needs hours a day for it to work

Don’t worry – there are many free tools to help with planning and posting content.
Tip: try and allocate and hour each week for this, supported by dipping in daily to respond to connections and interaction.

5.    It’s a sales channel

Yes… and no! Generating sales is often the ultimate reason for using social media for business – but contacts should never feel this intention. Overtly promotional information is the fastest way of disengaging people. Stick to relevant interesting information. Sell your enthusiasm, knowledge and experience to gain credibility and enquiries.

Tip: be informative, interesting and approachable

6.    It’s addictive!

Be warned! Many business owners are reticent about using social media within their internet marketing arsenal… initially. Finding your way around your chosen social media can be rewarding in itself. Generating responses is like a pat on the back for your hard work. It feels great… make sure it rewards your business too. 

Tip: record the time you spend on social media for business for one week. It’s a sobering exercise!

Now’s the time to review your social media activity. Make sure that the time your business is investing is as effective as possible. If in doubt, contact us – we’re here to help.